We had 5 banjo players at the January Music/Banjo Retreat  hailing from Texas, South Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. With 3 instructors each student got close to 10 hours of individual or groups of 1 teacher and 2 student sessions. The students were able to apply what they learned immediately in small intimate jams. We also hired Chef Jaye Crawford to cook balanced healthy meals that resulted in the students having more energy and being more alert.

All of the teachers Geoff Hohwald, Curtis Jones and David Ellis are multi instrumentalists so each jam included guitar, banjo, bass and mandolin.

geoff hohwald banjo camp
geoff hohwald banjo camp
geoff hohwald banjo camp

SIGN UP FOR GEOFF’S NEXT BANJO CAMP (Jan 24 – 27, 2019 – Focus on Improvising)

Hurry, class size restricted to six seats.

Get notified when Geoff announces new banjo camps!

* indicates required
geoff hohwald banjo camp
geoff hohwald banjo camp